December 8, 2017



In mine previous blogs I have discussed how to setup the 

- Server []
- Client/Agent []

In this blog I will show you how to install and configure the check_log plugin. 

A good documentation overview site is


#! /bin/sh
# Log file pattern detector plugin for Nagios
# Written by Ethan Galstad (
# Last Modified: 07-31-1999
# Usage: ./check_log <log_file> <old_log_file> <pattern>
# Description:
# This plugin will scan a log file (specified by the <log_file> option)
# for a specific pattern (specified by the <pattern> option).  Successive
# calls to the plugin script will only report *new* pattern matches in the
# log file, since an copy of the log file from the previous run is saved
# to <old_log_file>.
# Output:
# On the first run of the plugin, it will return an OK state with a message
# of "Log check data initialized".  On successive runs, it will return an OK
# state if *no* pattern matches have been found in the *difference* between the
# log file and the older copy of the log file.  If the plugin detects any 
# pattern matches in the log diff, it will return a CRITICAL state and print
# out a message is the following format: "(x) last_match", where "x" is the
# total number of pattern matches found in the file and "last_match" is the
# last entry in the log file which matches the pattern.
# Notes:
# If you use this plugin make sure to keep the following in mind:
#    1.  The "max_attempts" value for the service should be 1, as this
#        will prevent Nagios from retrying the service check (the
#        next time the check is run it will not produce the same results).
#    2.  The "notify_recovery" value for the service should be 0, so that
#        Nagios does not notify you of "recoveries" for the check.  Since
#        pattern matches in the log file will only be reported once and not
#        the next time, there will always be "recoveries" for the service, even
#        though recoveries really don't apply to this type of check.
#    3.  You *must* supply a different <old_file_log> for each service that
#        you define to use this plugin script - even if the different services
#        check the same <log_file> for pattern matches.  This is necessary
#        because of the way the script operates.
# Examples:
# Check for login failures in the syslog...
#   check_log /var/log/messages ./check_log.badlogins.old "LOGIN FAILURE"
# Check for port scan alerts generated by Psionic's PortSentry software...
#   check_log /var/log/message ./check_log.portscan.old "attackalert"

Agent/Client Configuration check_log for JBoss EAP 6 Standalone

The standard log file for JBoss EAP 6 running in standalone mode is

# ll /var/log/jbossas/standalone/server.log

First let pay attention to the third prerequisites for check_log and create a new "old" log file for check_log.

# touch /var/log/jbossas/standalone/server.log.check_log

# chmod 640 /var/log/jbossas/standalone/*

In the NRPE configuration file we see that there is a configuration directory for NRPE

# cat /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
# This directive allows you to include definitions from config files (with a
# .cfg extension) in one or more directories (with recursion).


And there we will put our command for the check_log plugin.

# vi /etc/nrpe.d/check_jboss_log.cfg
command[check_jboss_log]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_log -F /var/log/jbossas/standalone/server.log \
-O /var/log/jbossas/standalone/server.log.check_log -q "WARN"

Finally restart the nrpe deamon to make the new configuration take effect.

# service nrpe restart

Server Configuration

# vi /etc/nagios/conf.d/

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