November 2, 2022

OpenShift 4.6 Automation and Integration: Kibana

Filtering Queries

12.3. Kubernetes exported fields

These are the Kubernetes fields exported by the OpenShift Container Platform cluster logging available for searching from Elasticsearch and Kibana.

hostname The hostname of OpenShift node that generated the message.
kubernetes.flat_labels The label for the pod that generated the message. Format: key=value
kubernetes.container_name The name of the container in Kubernetes.
kubernetes.namespace_name The name of the namespace in Kubernetes.
kubernetes.pod_name The name of the pod that generated the log message.
level The log level of the message.
message The actual log message.

Example Lucene query:

+kubernetes.namespace_name:"openshift-etcd" +message:elected

Finding OpenShift Event Logs

kubernetes.event Resource name invloved in event.
kubernetes.event.involvedObject.namespace Namespace of the resource name invloved in event.
kubernetes.event.reason The reason for the event. Correspond to the values in the REASON column that displays in the output of the oc get events command.
kubernetes.event.type The type of message, e.g. kubernetes.event.type:warning

Visualizing Time Series with Timelion

Timelion Tutorial – From Zero to Hero

.es('+kubernetes.namespace_name:logging-query +message:200'),
.es('+kubernetes.namespace_name:logging-query +message:404'),
.es('+kubernetes.namespace_name:logging-query +message:500')

.es('+kubernetes.container_name:logger +message:500')
.divide(.es('+kubernetes.container_name:logger +message:*'))

.es('+kubernetes.container_name:logger +message:500').label(current),
.es(q='+kubernetes.container_name:logger +message:500', offset=-5m).label(previous)

Troubleshooting cluster logging

Chapter 10. Troubleshooting cluster logging

$ oc get -n openshift-logging clusterlogging instance -o yaml

kind: ClusterLogging
    - ShardAllocationEnabled:  all
        activePrimaryShards:    5
        activeShards:           5
        initializingShards:     0
        numDataNodes:           1
        numNodes:               1
        pendingTasks:           0
        relocatingShards:       0
        status:                 green
        unassignedShards:       0
      clusterName:             elasticsearch

Using Grafana

Monitoring -> Dashboards:

Dashboards: Kubernetes / Compute Resources / Node (Pods)
Namespace: openshift-logging

Using Kibana

Infra index
+kubernetes.namespace_name:openshift-logging +kubernetes.container_name:

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